How do I check my progress?

Single & Family Users:

Single users can view their current scores, processing power, and a graph showing their most recent scores right on the dashboard (first page after logging in). To view your comprehensive stats and progress, click on your name in the upper right corner, then click on the Track Progress tab and select which progress/results you would like to view. For badges and rewards, click on the Achievements tab to see how you are doing. (see screenshots below)

For deep tracking of all your activity results, click on Track Progress. Under each tab on this page you will see a list of every score and result since your first time going through the program for your Processing Power, Baseline Test, Kickstart (for younger users), Focus and Memory Activities.


Family Admins:

Admins have the ability to see progress graphs and scores for all of their users. Many of the common scores and recent user activity are available on the dashboard (the first page you see after logging in). You can quickly see each users current scores in the boxes on the dashboard.

To view comprehensive stats and progress for a specific user, click on the name of the user (on your dashboard), then click on Track Progress. Under each tab on this page you will see a list of every score and result since your first time going through the program for your Processing Power, Baseline Test, Kickstart (for younger users), Focus and Memory Activities. (see screenshots below)

For badges and rewards, click on the Achievements tab to see how your users are doing.


Kick-Start Users:

Since the Kick-Start program is designed for extra practice and early intervention, users in Kickstart will only show progress under their Kickstart tab and nothing under the Focus Processing Power or Memory tabs until they complete the Kickstart program. Likewise, users in the main progression will not have scores under the Kickstart tab unless they optionally choose to do it. Kickstart users will also display a different progress indicator on their dashboard. Instead of Processing Power, you will see progress within the Kickstart program.


Dashboard Progress Areas:

Your Progress Page:



Your (or User) Profile > Results Page: